Gotham Notes...

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Another Republican Sex Pig for God and Country

Pastor Mike and the Babe(y).

This has been all the excitement today.

But first, here's where we all came in on the story of our good Pastor, the Rev. Mike Hintz:

President Bush Signs Tax Relief Bill
Benefiting Millions of Families

Remarks by the President on the Signing of
the Working Families Tax Relief Act of 2004
South Suburban YMCA, Des Moines, Iowa

That was in October, if I recall correctly. Prime Re-election real estate.

And here's even a post from that time, mentioning the bill-signing event right here on Gotham Notes.

But take another look at the picture of Pastor Mike (on the left), with his wife and his four kids, Senator Grassley (R-IA) and others:

Have you ever SEEN so many blondes?

It's like a Coors beer commercial.

Now, as the stories of the time all tell, Pastor Mike was there simply because he was squeaky-clean—as average a Joe as "average Joe's"
get—to regale the reporters at the event with a plausible description of how Bush's tax cuts saved a poor workin' guy like him gobs of money, which he could plow right back into saving the world, or words to that effect. Of course, his tax savings all came from the kids. It was the Child Credit provision he was referring to, which only extended something President Bill Clinton started, and was the only element of this tax bill which gave any relief to people who weren't rich. So, therefore, time to trumpet the CC. Hence, the Hallmark Card photo op.

Of course, the Child Credit becomes rather like the old Welfare boondoggle: more kids; more cash. But the White House, of course, ignores that aspect of it. Why kill a nice party?

OK, flash forward to today.

Here's why all the hyperventilating's going on today (via Atrios on Eschaton):

A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with the sexual exploitation of a child.

KCCI learned that the married father of four recently turned himself in to Johnston police.

Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years.

Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old in the church youth group this spring.

However, here are some summer / fall events starring ol' Pastor Mike:

College Days / Alumni Homecoming

... Pastor Mike Hintz from Des Moines First Assembly of God and a 1993 graduate of Trinity Bible College. Mike has worked with teenagers for the past eleven years. What he really loves about working with youth is seeing God take them out of their comfort zone and radically change the way they see God. ...

Yeah, in the backseat of his van.

He will also take time to share some of his unique methods of ministering to the youth of this generation.

Especially that willowy little blond number over there with the pouty lips. She gets those "unique methods" while thy're on retreat.

Here's my favorite degenerate line:

When not doing the work of (on?) youth ministry he can be found being a husband and father.

It's good he can squeeze in a little family time, since his kids seem to be a major part of his financial planning efforts.

My Word! How DOES he ever find the time to DO it all?

posted by Gotham 3:45 AM


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Here's a calculator to help you get a clearer picture of just how you'd make out under Obama's tax plan, rather than just extending the Bush tax cuts which is all that McCain is proposing.

Stop the heartbreak of catalog glut.
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