Gotham Notes...

Saturday, December 31, 2005

If It Ain't Broke, Break It!

Government Prepares for Next Big Disaster

Herein is the full reason behind the American people's turning against the president they had just recently re-elected.

Forget all those hideous policies he keeps coming up with, and how he's disemboweling the United States Constitution.

Forget that he and his cronies lied and engaged in the largest land grab since Hitler rolled into the Sudetenland.

Forget that they totally botched up even that invasive heist, and that hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost or maimed forever.


None of these made the penny drop.

The flip came when America watched in horror as they saw that this president can't protect them from an oversized cloudburst.

Now, your average American gets it.

If anything serious happens, we're all just basically fucked.

To say the least, this has shaken the public's confidence in the man a wee bit.

posted by Gotham 9:33 PM

Today's Cartoon

Republican: Trump May Run for N.Y. Gov.

But only if Elliot Spitzer doesn't indict him on something first.

posted by Gotham 9:13 PM

New Year's Greetings from The Ranch

Bush to Pass Quiet New Year's Eve at Ranch

'The president's New Year's resolution is to continue to work tirelessly for peace abroad and prosperity at home,' White House spokesman Trent Duffy said Saturday.

Of course, that's tirelessly for Pax Americanus abroad and Prosperity at his house.

Yes, take time to relax this weekend George. You've had such a busy year.

And take this time to plan all you'll need to do in this hectic coming year. There are just sooo many lives you've yet to destroy out there. It's all such Hard Work.

I mean, just keeping the American public from visiting you with torches and pitchforks in hand takes up so much of the day!

So, rest up George and Laura. Your work is not done.

And Happy New Year!

posted by Gotham 9:10 PM

Truth In Advertising

NOTE: I've just come out from under an extremely taxing last few months, where I simply haven't had the time to post. Even though there's been plenty that I've yelled at the screen about in that time. But, I'm back and should be posting on a more consistent basis.

This AP story is a beaut:

DeLay Rep Says Boss Not Swayed by Donors

Then what were they paying ALL THAT CASH for?


That's FRAUD, Mr. Bugbasher!

I know that Tom DeLay's flack means well and is trying to keep the boss happy by making him look good over a sad holiday time in the DeLay household and all, but if this release is accurate, soon-to-be-Citizen DeLay stands open to a raft of lawsuits by his slew of money-supplying folks charging bald, blatant fraud. Actually, if true, lawsuits would be his best-case-scenario.

Poor Tom.

Hanging onto his precious skin would seem a harder task than holding onto any last vestige of power within the House of Representatives.

He doesn't quite seem to be noticing this part yet.

Of course, their lawyers will counsel these various groups against filing suit, charging that their bribery dollars did not receive adequate return. But all these folks Tom cavorted with know various and sundry ways to adjudicate disputes.

These people all seem to have paid millions in good faith, fully expecting to receive services rendered. If Tom is now saying he never had any intention of supplying Congressional influence after he took the cash, he may end up with much bigger problems than he's faced so far.

Let's see...

Russian oil men with Russian Mafia connections can most likely be expected to put a hit out on ol' Tom. These guys tend not to miss. Very bad guys to cross, Tom. Think Russian Bear, Cold War, all that.

Dozens of Native American tribes can be counted on to look for revenge on one of the most Forked-Tongued White Men we currently have to offer.

From the Mariana Islands, it's still unclear whether DeLay would face a stiffer threat from either the now-desperate and frantic textile shop owners who paid him all that cash for no return plus a ruinous ton of negative worldwide exposure they never planned on, or from the hundreds of wretched human beings his promises of influence helped to subjugate in sub-human, near-slave conditions.

It's nice to see that you've been able to bring all these people together, Tom, even if it's as ex-friends.

Who knew your International skills were as sharp as your Domestic ones?

But, um... fraud always tends to make people cranky, Tom.

No matter where in the world they're from.

Good luck, buckeroo!

posted by Gotham 8:52 PM


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Here's a calculator to help you get a clearer picture of just how you'd make out under Obama's tax plan, rather than just extending the Bush tax cuts which is all that McCain is proposing.

Stop the heartbreak of catalog glut.
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