Gotham Notes...

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

GA. Repubs Really ARE Two-Faced!


Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Schrenko surrenders

Here's an update on an earlier Gotham Notes... post.

This story just gets better—and more astonishing!

Linda Schrenko, the fashion-conscious former Republican Georgia school superintendent, smiled for the television cameras while wearing a dramatic camel-colored coat with fur-looking collar and cuffs when she showed up Monday morning to surrender to authorities [and answer an 18-count federal indictment alleging she stole education funds].

Two hours later, Schrenko appeared somber as she was led before a judge in handcuffs to face charges of stealing $614,000 in federal education funds, much of it allegedly diverted to her failed campaign for governor—and $9,300 for a face-lift.

During her 8 years as state school superintendent, not only was she pushing Creationism as an officially sanctioned course approach, it seems Our Miss Schrenko may well have been skimming federal special education funds ear-marked for the education of Georgia's handicapped students, and laundering them through the business of a friend until they ended up back in Our Miss Schrenko's Republican gubernatorial campaign war chest.

"...And on the Eighth Day, she stole."


And since one has to look good while running for office these days, even some of THAT loot was siphoned off for a face lift—no doubt smartly expensed as a campaign necessity.

Plus, it seems Our Miss Schrenko has quite the nasty little drug habit, there—all the vogue in smart Republican circles these days.

There's this:

Schrenko pleaded innocent and was released on $40,000 bond. She was also ordered to submit to drug tests after she disclosed that she takes a variety of prescription medications for neck and back pain from an auto accident more than a decade ago.

And...then there's this:

Schrenko, who lives in the Augusta suburb of Martinez, was driven to Monday's court hearing by a family friend. [Schrenko's attorney, Pete] Theodocion said Schrenko lost her driver's license after twice losing consciousness while driving earlier this year. No one was injured in the incidents, the lawyer said, adding they were caused by a blood condition that requires prescription medication. [GN emphasis added]

Oh, OK.

So, let's see, now...

That's one bad back from a ten-year-old "car accident." It needs "a variety of prescription medications."

Added to that, there's a "blood condition that requires prescription medication."

Hmmm..., it seems Our Miss Schrenko may have more prescription drugs sloshing around inside her system than do the labs at Merck and Pfizer. Or inside even Republican drug darling, Rush Limbaugh, for that matter.

Plus, while she's stealing any chance at an education for handicapped kids in order to be Georgia's first drug-addled Republican Governor, she's driving around higher than a kite and blacking out on the highway god knows HOW MANY times, getting caught at least TWICE THAT WE KNOW OF, and—only through the love of a merciful god—avoiding careening head-on into the cars of innocent families, thereby creating MORE handicapped kids she could steal from.



I am fairly perplexed personally though, as she shares my age, and so comes from that same generation that was going to change the world, make it more humane for all and lead us all to our full potential and possibilities.

So, it's painful to see even the Republican wing of this generation be as greedy, unheeding and vainglorious as those we protested against and rebelled against in our youth.

It seems that the only thing Our Miss Schrenko remembered from that time was the drugs.

On another front, it appears that Mr. Theodocion has his work cut out for him.

First, he stupidly forgot the "All Womanhood Is a Shy, Retiring, Innocent Flower," courtroom demeanor rule.

... Theodocion said after the hearing Monday that he regrets so much attention has been paid to "a face-lift," which Schrenko had around the time of the 2002 elections.

As for Schrenko's wardrobe for her court appearance, Theodocion said the cloth coat probably cost no more than $150 and that his client "didn't come here wearing gold or diamonds and is not a person who's rolling around in money." The collar and cuffs were not fur, he said.

Don't they teach watching Larry King Live! in law school, these days? Geeeez!

Also unfortunately for Mr. Theodocion, the Republican court-stacking process doesn't seem to have reached the Southern Circuit quite yet. This is where U.S. Magistrate Judge Joel Feldman sits.

Feldman asked Schrenko to describe her level of education. She replied that she had completed a six-year postgraduate program and had obtained a "leadership certificate," which allows her to be a school administrator.

Upon hearing that, the judge said there should be no question about Schrenko's ability to read, write and understand the English language, a common question defendants are asked to make sure they understand the charges against them.

"Hope not," replied Schrenko, who championed phonics-based reading programs as state school superintendent.


It doesn't seem Feldman is going to buy the flower-child defense either.

Feldman ordered Schrenko to submit to drug tests after he was handed a list of the prescription medications she is taking. "You're taking some strong medication, as you well know," the judge said.

He also ordered Schrenko to turn over a firearm she owns to her daughter, who lives in Evans.


She's crooked! She's high! She's GOT A GUN??!

But, in all honesty, in polite Republican circles, all that really matters for a Southern damsel in distress, who's on trial for her political life, is that she look really good!

It's hard to see in the picture on the news page story, but blown up here, you can see that the caption of this photo is really all about the guy behind her: "I wonder if they're real?" Whether that references the fur cuffs and collar or her tits is up to you.

I hope for her sake, that that's not Theodocion.

This is now the story to watch.

More later.

posted by Gotham 1:42 PM


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