Gotham Notes...

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Bill from South Dakota Still Doesn't Seem to Get It ...
... Just Like His Friends

AP: Janklow Appeals Conviction in Fatality

I'd like to say I'm shocked, but I'm not. But I am disgusted.

AP pulls their stories down after a brief time, so here it is:

Janklow Appeals Conviction in Fatality

Associated Press Writer

May 19, 2004, 7:02 PM EDT
PIERRE, S.D. -- Former congressman Bill Janklow, fresh from 100 days in jail, asked the South Dakota Supreme Court on Wednesday to overturn his convictions in a fatal traffic crash last summer.

His lawyers said in written arguments that Janklow did not get a fair trial because the judge allowed prejudicial evidence about his bad driving record. They also said that Janklow's diabetes was a factor in the accident.

Janklow was convicted in December of second-degree manslaughter and reckless driving in the August death of a motorcyclist at a rural intersection.

Janklow's lawyers want his convictions set aside and the charges dismissed, or for a new trial to be held. The attorney general's office has until July 7 to respond to the appeal.

Circuit Judge Rodney Steele ruined Janklow's chances of acquittal by allowing introduction of highly prejudicial evidence of Janklow's history of bad driving, his lawyers argue.

Janklow, who was diagnosed with diabetes in 1998, did not stop or slow down for the highway crossing 10 miles south of Flandreau because his judgment and driving skills were impaired by low blood sugar, lawyer Melissa C. Hinton said.

Janklow sped through a stop sign, and Randy Scott's motorcycle plowed into the side of Janklow's car.

Prosecutors said Janklow had a long habit of speeding, characterizing his driving as "awful and menacing."

Janklow, a Republican who also served four terms as governor, resigned from Congress just hours after his conviction. He was later sentenced to 100 days in jail and placed on probation for three years. He was released Monday.

The remaining seven months of the U.S. House term will be filled in a June 1 special election.

Copyright © 2004, The Associated Press

Think of this as the "I didn't have any Twinkies on me" defense. This insults the intelligence and honor of diabetics worldwide.

Considering the heights of power and dominion they enjoyed by dancing to the tune of Neo-Cons these past four years, nowadays it's just damned embarrassing to be a Republican.

It's not too early to entertain the notion that the GOP may be hurtling headlong towards its most horrid election whacking since Reconstruction. From president down to PTA monitor.

When you figure that no one in this version of the Grand Old Party can take responsibility for any of their actions whatsoever—and that that particular fact has led to horrific loss of life, here and across the globe—this is probably being kind.

posted by Gotham 12:22 AM


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