Gotham Notes...

Friday, December 31, 2004

House GOP to Gut Ethics Commitee;
To Vote to OK Bribery & Corruption;
Capitol Hill To Become "Dodge City"

Ahhhh, the glories of the holidays, with their glacially slow news days.

That can mean only one thing: more stories about GOP outrages.

Today's "Story that's guaranteed not to be seen by anybody until it's too late":

House to Consider Relaxing Its Rules

(GN emphasis):

The proposed change would essentially negate a general rule of conduct that the ethics committee has often cited in admonishing lawmakers—including Majority Leader Tom DeLay—for bringing discredit on the House even if their behavior was not covered by a specific regulation. Backers of the rule, adopted three decades ago, say it is important because the House's conduct code cannot anticipate every instance of questionable behavior that might reflect poorly on the chamber.

Republicans, returning to the Capitol on Tuesday after increasing their House majority by three seats in the Nov. 2 election, also want to relax a restriction on relatives of lawmakers accepting foreign and domestic trips from groups interested in legislation before the House.

A third proposed rule change would allow either party to STOP the House ethics committee from investigating a complaint against a member.

Currently, if the panel, which is evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats, is deadlocked on a complaint, the matter automatically goes to an investigative subcommittee after 45 days. The proposed change would drop any complaint that is not backed by a majority vote to move it forward.

Government watchdog groups called the proposals startling and unjustified. If the proposed rules are adopted next week as GOP leaders suggest, they would amount to "the biggest backtracking on House ethics rules that we have seen," said Fred Wertheimer, president of Democracy 21.

Nothing any GOP Congressman does is out of bounds any longer. They no longer have to be circumspect about being crooks and thieves; now they can shout it from the highest D.C. Memorial. They're about to stuff their pockets and their mattresses without even looking over their shoulders, because they won't have to anymore.

And "Relaxing" is very much a misnomer here.

They're about to gut the Ethics Committee like a sturgeon.

And as quickly as a long-time fish cutter at the Fulton Fish Market can, too. They're going to have a day of "discussion" on Monday, and vote on it on Tuesday. That's it. Biff. Pow. Complete.

Americans won't even have time to put the kids back in school, and catch their breath after the holidays, before they realize the U.S. House of Representatives is officially and openly up for sale to the highest bidders.

So, if you're not watching C-SPAN early this week, you'll probably end up very confused as to why "your Representative" doesn't even TRY to hide the bribes and special interest-paid junkets he's taking. Or his wife or brother are. And why there's not even a note about "the concerns of my constituents are important to me" on his web site anymore.

That's because they are not!

Unless they ante up the cash.

Ladies and Gentlemen, The Den of Thieves Is Open for Business!

How long until GOPers start openly shooting Democrats who annoy them on the floor of The Den of Thieves? Gives a whole new weight to VP Cheney's "Fuck yourself" to Sen. Patrick Leahy. The GOP is THAT out of control.

ePop Quiz:
When's the last time that your District's Thief in The Den of Thieves,
or your Senator represented YOUR interests?

Get Angry! Have your say.

Write your elected officials now!

Register to Vote Here!

Here's the Realtime Iraq Invasion Cost Clock!

posted by Gotham 11:46 PM

Thursday, December 30, 2004

This Is Bush's America

How a Handful of Setbacks Sent the Ryans Tumbling Out of Prosperity

Peter G. Gosselin and The Los Angeles Times are to be commended for this in-depth look at the precarious position most Americans find themselves in these days, and how badly the economic decks are now stacked against all of us.

A fabulous and horrifying article.

posted by Gotham 1:27 AM

A Heart-Breaking Day for New Yorkers

New York City lost two of her sons today.

Two who were uniquely NYers, who embodied every "not pretty" but gallant, and thereby, beautiful thing this city embraces.

First, we lost Jerry Orbach, who was born Off-Broadway, raised On Broadway, and who came to maturity playing a New York City cop on TV, in a manner which only slouched, hard-working, underpaid New York City cops themselves could truly appreciate.

'Law & Order' star Jerry Orbach dies of cancer at 69

Don't be scared away by the article's sub-head referring to "the anti-NYer," newspaper gloryhound Morals Master Rudy, he's only in one sentence. He's there to make you appreciate how much NYers really have to put up with everyday, and to show how deeply this city treasures the real article in people such as Orbach.

Second, we lost our most treasured of Original Mets today.

Rod Kanehl (KA-KNEEL for you out-of-towners) has died. He was 70.

It's not possible. How in heaven's name could a Rod Kanehl be dead? Hell, how could he even be 70!!???

Rod ("Hot Rod") Kanehl's obviously still in his twenties, throwing himself around—to no great avail, mind you—at the old Polo Grounds in Manhattan, where the Mets first played.

Original Met Rod Kanehl dies at 70; was early fan favorite

He was also Casey Stengel's favorite, and that meant everything to us young Mets fans. If he was jake with Case', he was jake with us.

Good Night, Gentlemen. Sleep your sleep well. New York City will stand watch.

You will be missed.

posted by Gotham 1:06 AM

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

U.S. Navy Renews CACI's Torture Contract

This is the Bush administration's idea of privatization in full flower:
Navy Re-Ups CACI's Support and Training Contract

Along with the Titan Corp., CACI operatives are the wonderful folks who brought you the torture prisons of Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo and the prisons in Afghanistan.

Remember those uniformed, but untagged, "intelligence officers" who ran around, giving the orders to uniformed AND properly tagged U.S. military personnel in Iraq and elsewhere?

The ones who were behind all those disgusting photos and Seymour Hersh articles?

Yep! Those guys. And we just gave this vermin scads more money.

That's because CACI and Titan supply the mercenaries who obtain the "real, boots-on-the-ground-type" intelligence that the Pentagon of Donald Rumsfeld is so enamored of. The kind those sissies over at CIA don't have the heart or the balls to go get.

The fact that they merely swept thousands who knew nothing off the streets and out of their homes and into prisons, and then tortured them, raped them and humiliated a whole culture before this Arab scum either died, told CACI anything they wanted to know about anybody just to stop the pain, or were set free by those Liberal pansies on the Supreme Court, thereby igniting a popular anti-U.S. revolt among the Iraqi people that's closer to the French Resistance than it is to the army of North Korea, is completely beside the point.

There were contracts to fulfill.

It might have been better, if America's good name was going to be dragged through the mud, that some of the intelligence obtained in that manner was actually accurate and useable. The sad truth buried in the disgust, is that all of the info obtained this way was garbage and useless.

Basically they had the shopkeeper saying that his next-door neighbor, the electrician, was a Saddam general, and was in direct contact with Osama bin Laden. This made CACI happy, and they'd take the electric clamp off his genitals.

Then the electrician disappeared, and suddenly the taxi driver he fought with for years disappeared, and so on, and so on, and so on, until the prisons overflowed with the screams of "terrorists."

CACI International Inc. of Arlington won a $16 million contract renewal from the Navy's Fleet and Industrial Supply Center to provide logistics support and training services to the Navy and Marine Corps.

The one-year contract, with four one-year options, would be worth $85 million if all options are exercised. The renewal is the company's fifth contract over the past 17 years for services supporting the Navy's Fleet Assistance and Shipboard Training program.

This on the heels of this other contract the Pentagon gave them.

The award follows another major win for the company with the Navy. In November, CACI won a $15.7 million award from the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center to support a communications system that allows Navy personnel to transmit battlefield-related data among aircraft, ships and shore installations. If all options are exercised, that contract has a potential value of $27 million over five years.

When you watch movies, the bad guy always has this seemingly unending army of usually faceless armored soldiers trying to defend "the hideout," shooting and missing at James Bond or Harrison Ford in Star Wars, or some other set-up.

Ever wonder? Who ARE those guys the good guy gets to dispatch so easily?

They're mercenaries. Most likely from CACI. Or Titan.

Slowly, the letters in CACI should start morphing for you into these:


posted by Gotham 11:25 AM

Monday, December 27, 2004


In this traditional season of fellowship and humanity, all of us at Gotham Notes send out a wish for you and your family and loved ones that you all are able to live the lives you choose to live, and that you each live in peace and contentment with the world you find around you.

Meanwhile, as a gift, I simply pass on pictures of My New York:

via The New York Times

via Newsday

via The New York Daily News: (an oversized collection of the last three days in NYC

And I'll add a wish that peace and sanity returns to our city, our country and our world in 2005.

Be well,

E. J.

posted by Gotham 10:57 AM

Bernie's Dwindling Options

What will it be like for the vaunted Karl Rove team within the Bush White House to have to describe for us just how it is that their prized hand-picked nominee for DHS Secretary eventually ends up either doing time, or the bloody target of a mob hit?

The pal who busted Bernie

And desperately covering up all these fissures as they all start spouting steam should keep our beloved Moral Master Rudy busy and out of our hair for the next election cycle or two.

posted by Gotham 1:38 AM

Sunday, December 26, 2004

The Harold Ford, Jr. Watch Begins...

Over at Talking Points Memo, Josh Marshall has an interesting and vital theme running. It concerns those Democrats—perhaps short on spine, and long on personal ambition or self-defense—who seem poised to aid and abet George Bush in his demonic gutting of Social Security Insurance. Marshall calls it his "Fainthearted Faction." I call it the "Kill Granny" Team.

Among the U.S. House membership, Marshall points to two leaders of this "Faction" who are poised to push your Grandfather into the street:

Rep. Harold Ford (D-Memphis, TN)

Washington, DC office
325 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Ph: 202-225-3265
Fx: 202-225-5663


Rep. Allen Boyd (D-Tallahassee, FL)

Washington, DC office
1227 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Ph: 202-225-5235
Fx: 202-225-5615

Both first elected to Congress in 1996, these two Democratic Representatives are senior leaders of this Democratic privatization group—who will not stand up for SSI along with other Democrats, but who sit ready to do Bush's bidding.

They also are two members in good standing of the Blue Dog Coalition, a group of Democrats in name who basically subscribe to an agenda that was considered to be the mainstream Republican position, back in the years when the GOP was still a viable political party. These are Democrats who have been given the rare privilege of holding their own prized Republican Rubber Stamp.

Why would these two support Bush attempts to deny basic food and shelter to people in their 70s and 80s?

With Boyd, it's pure political survival. He represents Panhandle Florida, which hasn't yet evolved much past the 13th or 14th Century.

On the other hand, Ford now exists as perhaps the single, most-threatened politician in America. This comes not from Republicans nor conservatives, either nationally or within the state of Tennessee, but stems from the meteoric ascendancy of incoming Sen. Barak Obama of Illinois. You can see Ford's transparent attempts to reposition himself in this new political landscape—in order to beat out Obama in Ford's perhaps obsessive race to be the First African-American President.

As a child of political privilege, Ford seems to have been shooting for the presidency almost since college at the University of Pennsylvania. He worked on his father's successful Congressional campaigns for that same Ninth District seat from 1974 to 1994, gaining valuable expertise and political savvy. Through his father, the Honorable Harold E. Ford, Sr., he was able to obtain party positions such as working on the Clinton campaign and transition teams, and later, latching onto Senate aide spots.

As soon as Ford, Jr. graduated from the University of Michigan Law School, Ford, Sr. retired, effectively turning over his seat to Junior. From there, Junior has repeatedly targeted open Tennessee Senate seats, from which to effectively wage his presidential run. Only the seniority system within the Tennessee state party has slowed Ford down to this point. But Ford has spent his time assuring one and all that this would be only a temporary setback.

Ford, the Democrat's Convention Keynote Speaker in Los Angeles in 2000, has carefully positioned himself as the "attractive, well-crafted, well-connected Rising Star in the Party who could bring along the black vote and still make white hearts flutter." He would be Politics' answer to Derek Jeter or Tiger Woods: someone who's almost omni-racial. He has worked to insinuate himself clearly within the center-right of Bill Clinton's New Democrat machinery.

Then, when the world changed and Bush took power, we watched Ford segue smoothly into the Zell Miller wing of the Democratic/Republican Party, albeit with a polished mein, impeccable tailoring, sad green eyes and sexy, shy smile.

Simply because this is where the power went. And with that, the money. So, there goes Ford.

He has marketed himself on a non-stop basis to every media outlet that would have him, in order to maintain a profile alien to that of your typical Congressman from the Ninth District of Tennessee. He seems to have been on the air more than Don Imus or Tim Russert over the last eight years. And has become one of the Republican pudit-ocracy's and the Republican media's favorite Democrats.


Then this Obama clown shows up with that Billion-Megawatt smile, dopey African name, a People Magazine-perfect biography and an electric 2004 Democratic Convention Keynote Speech of his own in Boston, that simply turned on a nation, and turned the political landscape upside-down. You can almost smell the gears grinding inside our young Mr. Ford.

Now, there is a real threat to "the plan." This Obama fellow simply won't do.

It's obvious Ford feels the Bushies are going to control things for quite some time, so if he is going to have access to the power he craves, he'll have to create a Bush-friendly position so that he can be "the successful Democrat" in this new environment. And if Bush REALLY wants SSI on a platter so badly, then, fine, let him have it. But gain some concessions that make it look like you were the sole barrier against total defeat at the hands of the administration. Then, grab the first TN Senate seat that opens and fight Obama on equal footing.

So, from now on, Harold Ford, Jr. stands not only as "the Dean" of the "Fainthearted Faction" on Social Security Insurance as Josh Marshall claims, but as the new, unofficial Chair of the "Stop Obama At Any Cost!" team.

Ambitious men are always to be watched closely, since their actions emerge from their deepest lust for power, rather than from serving the Commonweal. So, watch every move Ford makes from here on in this light:

"Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look."
—William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

And trust him not at all.

Here's Marshall's take on the Social Security Insurance floppers on the Senate side.

posted by Gotham 2:13 PM

Warm Up that Ol' Tom DeLay Rule!

Oh, Boy!

More Republican Crooks!

You can just feel the indictment of Tom DeLay waiting in the wings.

And I love the way they try to slide such juicey trash like this past us on some of the slowest news days of the year, when no one's looking.

I just love the Internet!

Tribal Money Linked to GOP Fundraising

Say, is there a uniquely Republican perp-walk?

posted by Gotham 2:34 AM

Friday, December 24, 2004

Minimum Wage Finally Goes Up

Baseball Minimum Salary Rises to $316,000

It's so hard to skrimp by on those lower 6-figure salaries these days.

Remember that the next time the 25th guy on the roster starts whining about pretty much anything.

posted by Gotham 2:39 AM

Blood Money


George W. Bush sent out word weeks ago that this would be a low-key inaugural celebration, noting the seriousness of the plight of the troops who've been shoved into death's way in Iraq.

But the lobbyists and Bush's supporters on the loony right decided to blow off that taste and discretion, and PAR-TAY! PAR-TAY DOWN, my man!

Bush Inaugural Donors Add $3.3 Million in 6 Days

"We are going to ENJOY this!" they seem to be saying to the whole country.

While hundreds and perhaps thousands of GIs die for lack of adequate body armor, bullets, vehicles that run right and food.

While millions of Iraqi civilians have no medical supplies, electricity, clean drinking water or food for their dying, malnourished children.

While American cities and states are at the brink of bankruptcies; are taxing average Joe citizens through the nose to keep from going off a fiscal cliff while their schools are rotting.

"Screw all that," these selfish, priviliged people seem to be saying. We won, and we're gonna have a goooooood time!

Again, Republicans prove to be true Patriots.

But, just lousy human beings.

The next time you hear a Republican whine about there not being enough money to fix this problem or offer that service, remind them of this little inaugural item, then spit on their Gucci's.

posted by Gotham 2:15 AM

Thursday, December 23, 2004

What Kerik Has to Fear Most...

This from Josh Marshall:

Giuliani-Kerik LLC to be renamed Giuliani Security & Safety. Kerik "to take some time off to focus on my family."

This is something to keep an eye out for.

If Bernie Kerik's grasp for glory has brought ANY extraneous light and heat on those who are involved in various New York-area Famiglia-type activities of the, shall we say perhaps, extra-legal kind, Bernie could end up taking a whole lifetime off.

posted by Gotham 8:37 PM

"I want to go out on my own terms."

How often has that been said just before something bad happens?

Mets sign Andres Galarraga to minor-league contract

The New York Mets of 2005 are now looking to be older than some of those fabled George Allen/Washington Redskins teams from ages ago.

I was rather looking forward to a young, hustling, talented N.Y. Mets baseball team, actually.

Not one that looks to become fully enmeshed in the donnybrook over Bush's demonic gutting of Social Security Insurance by mid-season.

posted by Gotham 7:04 PM

Life and Death, Buried in the New York Tea Leaves...

NYS Speaker Hints Death Penalty May Be Passe?

New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, a Democrat from the old school, is nothing if not inscrutable. But merely raising a question is yet another indication that capital punishment is not the super-hot issue it was when crime dominated the headlines, both legislative chambers wanted to reinstate the death penalty and his support for it helped George E. Pataki defeat Mario M. Cuomo, a foe of capital punishment.

Today, with crime down, a nationwide debate about the effectiveness of the death penalty and the fairness of its application, and instances of DNA evidence clearing inmates, the climate has clearly moderated.

Mr. Silver said that he was not predicting how the Assembly would vote. Or whether it would vote at all. It can do as the Republican-led Senate has, revising the law to address the court's concerns. Or it can do nothing.

That would leave the law as is—without the death penalty, but with life without parole, a part of the 1995 law that withstood court scrutiny.

This is how Right-to-Life is defined in Blue states.

posted by Gotham 6:53 PM

What? You Didn't Get Your Invite?

It's in the Mail, Dude!

Night of the Tuxedos

posted by Gotham 6:45 PM

Now, This Is Just Plain Wrong...

Last Days at Fulton Fish Market

Next, you'll tell me they sold Rockefeller Center to the Japanese.

Oh..., they did, huh?

Is NOTHING sacred?

posted by Gotham 6:43 PM

Slick George's Non-Plan

Bush Criticized Over Social Security Plan

Here are some things to keep in mind while you watch the Social Security Privatization debate play itself out:

  1. It's not needed.
  2. It won't work.
  3. They're going to pay for it all on credit.
  4. It will bankrupt the economy.
  5. They will then gut your SSI benefits.
  6. Those who do poorly with their new plan will be allowed to starve in the streets.
  7. We will eventually need a new, expensive program to save our elderly from starving in the streets. We will call this plan: Social Security.

Other than all that, it's a simply spiffy plan.

"Social Security is like a car with a flat tire," said Peter Orszag, an economist at the liberal Brookings Institution and adviser in the Clinton White House. "There is a problem. We need to fix the flat tire. But we don't need to replace the car."

But this has nothing to do with mere necessary fixes. That would simply be sane, logical, intelligent, and of scope. Not talents necessarily possessed by the Bush administration.

The truth is simple.

The Far Right/Wall Street cabal and their friends in the administration want to kill SSI, one of the last remaining programs of the FDR era, by any means necessary. Duping impressionable young Americans with lies about their future—when they're already terrorized by the Bush economic debacle—is as low as Bernie Kerik's blaming his woes on a non-existent nanny.

If they have to lie and distort facts and figures until they sound scary to you, then they will do so.

Bush has also cleverly attempted to have his cake and eat it too, as it were.

He's running around, trashing the current and future plan to any human being who will listen. It's all doom and gloom, as far as his speeches are concerned. But he's not going to tell you his plan until the world is beating down his door for a New Plan.

So, if people fall for it, he can come out with a plan that's pre-sold. If they don't, he won't have squandered any of his precious capital.

Bush repeated his demand for congressional action on Social Security, but refused to provide details.

"Don't bother to ask me," he said, making clear he would not engage in a public debate about Social Security until he gives Congress "a solution at the appropriate time."

The administration has said a plan is still being crafted.

"The temptation is going to be ... to get me to negotiate with myself in public. To say, you know, 'What's this mean, Mr. President? What's that mean?' I'm not going to do that," Bush said. "The law will be written in the halls of Congress. And I will negotiate with them, with the members of Congress."

Yeah, right.

Anyone remember any time when this administration actually NEGOTIATED with members of Congress, rather than just sending down marching orders for the rubber-stamp crowd?

Slick, George. Very slick.

posted by Gotham 3:05 PM

An Environmental Strip-Search

The new, but long-anticipated, Bush administration Fucking for Virginity Program has finally begun.

Administration Overhauls Rules for U.S. Forests

posted by Gotham 9:23 AM

Back to the Future...State-Style

Russian Dictator Vladimir Putin takes charge.

Democracy is officially dead in Russia.

State Russian Oil Firm Buys Mysterious Bid Winner

George W. Bush has such odd friends. When they start exploring all the angles in this deal, it's going to smell as badly as the background of our beloved Bernie Kerik.

posted by Gotham 9:09 AM

Drip, Drip, Drip...

U.S. Soldier Killed in Baghdad By Roadside Bomb

Remember, this warfare has no purpose for U.S. interests.

posted by Gotham 8:55 AM

Fred and Ginger...and On Being Careful-Challenged...

For the good friends of Gotham Notes who live outside of this fair and wondrous city, again let me attempt to advise you:

Former NYC Mayor Rudolph Giuliani is a sleaze-bag; i.e., a man of low-to-no moral fibre or ethics, uniquely unqualified to be Mayor, or to hold any other public office (i.e., president).

Former New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik is a dirty cop.

The Bush administration is horrifically incompetent.

Remember, it was the vaunted Karl Rove Machine that vetted Kerik and said he was just Honky-Dory. Afterwards, they claimed that they KNEW all of the dirt that has been uncovered on ol' Bernie and they were just fine with it.

Perhaps there IS no difference between Skeletons in the Closet and Skull & Bones.

However, the two dirtiest words in most corners of New York City are these: Dirty Cop. Our greatest heroes: those that expose Dirty Cops (i.e., Serpico).

That enflames the local citizenry, embarrasses the good cops on the force and sets the whole Hero/Zero N.Y. press mechanism into motion. Once the story surfaces, they'll dig until their arms are blue to find the next explosive peice of dirt, which passes for NYC hard news.

Dirt. A word that fit Bernie Kerik to a tee.

Kerik Quits Giuliani Firm to Work on `Clearing' Name

From reading this article, it's clear that the word, "Quits," in the link title above should be in quotes as well. Rudy the Sleaze said,

"He continues to be a friend,'' Giuliani, 60, said of Kerik. "I believe he'll be able to successfully address the issues that are raised and then I think he'll re-emerge a better man.'' The former mayor said facing those issues is "going to take his full-time attention.''

That, ladies and gentlemen, is called a pink slip in New York City.

My favorite line comes at the end, when all manner of Love ("Tough" and otherwise) breaks out:

Last week, Giuliani was quoted in a Daily News interview saying that he told Kerik he'd made "significant mistakes.'' He added, "This is an aspect of Bernie's personality that needs to be changed. In this area—being careful—he is challenged. Really challenged.''

We'll be sure to hold a Telethon for Bernie, then.

But how careful, then, is a man who gave Kerik NYC's top police job without vetting him thoroughly—or worse—ignoring what info WAS uncovered at the time, and then aggressively lobbied to have him named the Nation's Security Czar without supposedly having any idea of who he was or was about, or how mobbed up he might be?

About as careful, I guess, as screwing your girlfriend downstairs in the Mayor's Mansion, while your wife and kids slept upstairs.

As I said, sleaze.

And reckless.

posted by Gotham 1:27 AM

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

"We Want Your Money,
And We Want It Now!"
—Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, ...

... State Street Corporation, Charles Schwab & Company, the United States Chamber of Commerce, American Express, the American International Group (AIG), Morgan Stanley, Vanguard, MFS Investment Management and Fidelity.

The 'make a buck at any price' boys are ("Shhhh, quietly...") swinging back into action.

Wall St. Lobby Quietly Tackles Social Security

Always remember:

"Greed is good!"—Gordon Gekko, in Wall Street (Oliver Stone, Director)

These are the same fellows who made a bundle, even as upwards of 70% of your retirement account was wiped out in the Bush Recession of 2001-2003. They're also the same lot who made a bundle on the ensuing recovery, even though you most likely weren't included in the surge, since you were probably sitting around, being unemployed, or something.

There are signs, however, that the [financial] industry is becoming a little more aggressive in pushing for private accounts, through a loose assemblage of trade associations, business coalitions and conservative research centers. These groups have lately begun trying to raise money from business interests and to marshal support on Capitol Hill, while also seeking to deflect criticism that Wall Street is behind the move simply to reap rich rewards for administering the accounts.

Along with the firms listed above, keep a sharp eye out for ANY of the following groups that either were started in order to dupe you into allowing Social Securty to be raped, or are elastic enough to simply expand their greed into that issue:

  • The Securities Industry Association, which recently issued a research report arguing that the private accounts would not be a financial bonanza for Wall Street.
  • The Investment Company Institute, the lobbying arm for the mutual fund industry
  • The Alliance for Worker Retirement Security, a business coalition advocating private accounts
  • The Club for Growth, a far-right Republican tax-abolition group that has also been active in the drive for privately held Social Security accounts
  • The Cato Institute, a Washington policy research and lobbying organization with libertarian leanings that has received financial support from, among others, American Express and the American International Group, the large insurance company. State Street also provided funds in the past to support the institute's efforts to persuade Congress of the merits of personal accounts.
  • The Coalition for American Financial Security, the unsuccessful effort in 2002 by an industry group for SSI privatization.

You can safely assume that anything you see in print or on TV from any of these groups or firms, or the people representing them, will be self-serving at best, and/or a lie.

Trust NOTHING they say.

posted by Gotham 4:01 PM

Relax! It's OK...

New administration Torture Czar Alberto Gonzales has given this his blessing, so there's no harm here.

And, as America well knows, no harm; no foul.

Cataloguing US abuses

posted by Gotham 11:34 AM

Saturday, December 18, 2004

One Republican; One Vote

Judge Blocks Washington State Ballot Count

Repeat after me:

Only Republican votes count.
Only Republican votes count.
Only Republican votes count.
Only Republican votes count....

If you had set aside a box full of Republican district votes, and found them later, they can be counted. If they're Democratic district votes (in this case, from heavily Democratic Seattle), they're obviously fraud.

And that sure-fire line of reasoning leads us to the winner of the Single Stupidest Civics Class Quote from the entire silly 2004 national election cycle:

[Republican gubernatorial candidate Dino] Rossi spokeswoman Mary Lane said the judge made the right decision.

"If King County were allowed to keep adding more ballots, elections would never end," Lane said.

No wonder other countries are slow to embrace our approach to democracy.

I'd shoot anyone who forced this system on me, too.

posted by Gotham 1:10 PM

Friday, December 17, 2004

Missile Defense Test, Like Bernie Kerik, Goes Nowhere

It's so-o-o-o great that Russia's a dictatorship again, so that we can fight the Cold War all over again!

However, again, we see George Bush fighting the wrong war. And failing.

$85-million U.S. missile defense test goes nowhere

It's obvious that Bush still loves the lug, so this is a perfect job for Bernie Kerik! There's just tons of loose cash sloshing around this project, absolutely no one other than Bush and Condoleeza (Just What Does She Do for a Living?) Rice expects anything out of it whatsoever, and the project's already fucked up so badly that Kerik, as project manager, wouldn't have to spend much time away from managing his (many) personal affairs.


posted by Gotham 9:38 AM

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Another Republican Sex Pig for God and Country

Pastor Mike and the Babe(y).

This has been all the excitement today.

But first, here's where we all came in on the story of our good Pastor, the Rev. Mike Hintz:

President Bush Signs Tax Relief Bill
Benefiting Millions of Families

Remarks by the President on the Signing of
the Working Families Tax Relief Act of 2004
South Suburban YMCA, Des Moines, Iowa

That was in October, if I recall correctly. Prime Re-election real estate.

And here's even a post from that time, mentioning the bill-signing event right here on Gotham Notes.

But take another look at the picture of Pastor Mike (on the left), with his wife and his four kids, Senator Grassley (R-IA) and others:

Have you ever SEEN so many blondes?

It's like a Coors beer commercial.

Now, as the stories of the time all tell, Pastor Mike was there simply because he was squeaky-clean—as average a Joe as "average Joe's"
get—to regale the reporters at the event with a plausible description of how Bush's tax cuts saved a poor workin' guy like him gobs of money, which he could plow right back into saving the world, or words to that effect. Of course, his tax savings all came from the kids. It was the Child Credit provision he was referring to, which only extended something President Bill Clinton started, and was the only element of this tax bill which gave any relief to people who weren't rich. So, therefore, time to trumpet the CC. Hence, the Hallmark Card photo op.

Of course, the Child Credit becomes rather like the old Welfare boondoggle: more kids; more cash. But the White House, of course, ignores that aspect of it. Why kill a nice party?

OK, flash forward to today.

Here's why all the hyperventilating's going on today (via Atrios on Eschaton):

A Des Moines youth pastor is charged with the sexual exploitation of a child.

KCCI learned that the married father of four recently turned himself in to Johnston police.

Rev. Mike Hintz was fired from the First Assembly of God Church, located at 2725 Merle Hay Road, on Oct. 30. Hintz was the youth pastor there for three years.

Police said he started an affair with a 17-year-old in the church youth group this spring.

However, here are some summer / fall events starring ol' Pastor Mike:

College Days / Alumni Homecoming

... Pastor Mike Hintz from Des Moines First Assembly of God and a 1993 graduate of Trinity Bible College. Mike has worked with teenagers for the past eleven years. What he really loves about working with youth is seeing God take them out of their comfort zone and radically change the way they see God. ...

Yeah, in the backseat of his van.

He will also take time to share some of his unique methods of ministering to the youth of this generation.

Especially that willowy little blond number over there with the pouty lips. She gets those "unique methods" while thy're on retreat.

Here's my favorite degenerate line:

When not doing the work of (on?) youth ministry he can be found being a husband and father.

It's good he can squeeze in a little family time, since his kids seem to be a major part of his financial planning efforts.

My Word! How DOES he ever find the time to DO it all?

posted by Gotham 3:45 AM

Don't Leave Home Without It!
Oops, Sorry! You Don't Have a Home, Do You?

Atrios has some scary American Credit Card numbers posted on Eschaton.

But these rising credit numbers are not the sign of a bold, growing economy.

No, they're the sign of a totally broke and desperate American public in the Time of Bush—who have been forced to live on a slew of credit cards, racking up a crushing long-term debt just to get through their short-term shortfall—just like their favorite president has done on a national level.

When the economy crashes, as it will again sometime during this term, these people will most probably all be ruined.

Thank you, George.

The U.S. of A.—Trailor-Park Nation.

posted by Gotham 2:43 AM

Impeach Earl Warren! Or Somebody!
Uh, Anybody! We Have to "Get" Somebody!

Josh Marshall quotes the Financial Times as calling this whole affair a "witch-hunt."

Oh, I believe that's putting it mildly. The Republican party is now run by men who are much too racist for that. It's more of a "witch-doctor hunt."

"You stand in our way; you don't give us what we want on OUR timetable, we'll crush you" is the very clear Republican Party Platform.

House Republicans Say Kofi Annan Should Resign

Let me clarify, please:

A Congressman from ol' Gotham's beautiful home state of New Jersey is saying someone else should be IN JAIL on corruption charges???

New Jersey.

The Land Where All State Commerce "Fell Off the Back of the Truck"? THAT New Jersey?!?



HOHOHOHOHEEHEEHEEHEEHAHAHAHA...HOO, BOY! Oh..., geeeez, let me catch my breath, here.

...OK, I'm better now.

Certainly, this particular group of Congressmen couldn't SPELL "bill" let alone vote on one without Bush/Rove/Hastart/DeLay telling them expressly what to do. Vito Fossela? Ohhh, come now. The most Fossela knows about International Affairs comes from his school trip to Ellis Island.

Honestly, aside from the purely partisan maneuvering here, what do these clowns bring to the table?

Nothing but photo-ops. And some pats and strokes from Boss DeLay and the others.

The Right has been trying to bring down the UN since God was a puppy. This is no great revelation.

But, the UN is a world body. Kofi Annan is not some Town Councilmember from Mississippi.

You can't lynch the Secretary of the United Nations.

But they'll try.

The bullies are out for the evening hunt. They HAVE to come home with SOMETHING!

posted by Gotham 2:07 AM

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Who's Zoomin' Who?

Dan Froomkin frames the latest framing games at the WaPo:

Framing the Social Security Debate

Repeat after me:

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

The Republicans are pushing your kids into debt.
The Republicans are pushing your kids into debt.
The Republicans are pushing your kids into debt.
The Republicans are pushing your kids into debt.

The Republicans are going to raise your taxes.
The Republicans are going to raise your taxes.
The Republicans are going to raise your taxes.
The Republicans are going to raise your taxes.
The Republicans are going to raise your taxes. ..."

Republicans are going to tax your unborn children, just to give your money to their friends, the Stock Brokers and the Drug Companies.

And you'll be fighting Fluffy for the cat food.


posted by Gotham 7:05 PM

Monday, December 06, 2004

The New Non-Draft Draft?

A nasty new theory I've heard bandied about in the wake of Rep. Sensenbrenner's (R-MI) adherence to immigration law changes being included in the 9/11 bill:

The U.S. military seems to be quickly running out of uniformed bodies with which to wage the Republicans' upcoming series of new Second-Term wars, along with whatever force we leave behind in Iraq. So someone seems to have come up with a great recruiting tool -- if it weren't so sinister and ugly.

I heard someone mention that some Repubs were entertaining the notion of using "entering the military" as a means for illegal aliens to gain citizenship (the ol' if-they-can-fight-for-us-they-can-vote-for-us lure). Forget haggling over whether they can have driver's licenses, or not; dangle citizenship at them and watch them line up for miles to gain a toehold in the American Dream.

So, they're being asked to move from cleaning up our restaurant kitchens, tending our children, hauling our garbage and building our pre-fab houses, to filling up our homecoming body bags.

Wow. Progress.

Hey, this way, no one in the media would even WANT to have access to the returning caskets, right? Who'd CARE?? And we could cut back on the quality of the wood used, as well. Pine'll be good enough.

And if they actually lived, they could come back, gain citizenship and have the privilege of having their vote not count. But at least they'd be courted by the GOP. What FUN that would be!!

Gosh, think of it. A few years from now, Osama bin Laden could be holed up in his Own Private Alamo, somewhere in Syria or Indonesia or Peru or wherever, and look out at the U.S. forces arrayed before him, and think to himself that they look suspiciously like Santa Ana's army in that Alamo movie he saw on the airplane.


posted by Gotham 6:57 PM

Johnny, We Hardly Paid Ye

Treasury Secretary Is Likely to Leave Soon

What a loss for the country's economy and markets.

John W. Snow was a towering presence at Treasury, and had an astonishing impact on the American economic landscape.

Snow is, as you know, the major force behind ...

Well, the Treasury Secretary is the architect of the policy that ...

Ummmm, he was the brains behind the initiative to ...

Oh, OK. So, he didn't do squat for two years at Treasury. But the Secretary's chair is nice 'n' toasty and warm.

And he gave good fundraiser, and always seemed to get through his entire Bush/Cheney '04 stump speech without laughing -- which, you know, was no small task. And doing so without raising any bad press, since cabinet members aren't allowed to campaign by law.

I guess, at the least it kept him from applying for more tax rebates for CSX. His railroad, you'll remember, didn't pay ANY taxes for three out of the four years before Snow moved to Treasury on its yearly income average of $1 billion, yet it still received tax refunds of over $164 million on the taxes they never paid in the first place. You'd have to figure that THAT creative a person was a natural fit for the crack Bush Economic Team.

Considering that, in 2000, Snow made $1 million in salary, a $6 million bonus and more than $11 million in restricted stock and options, he'll be able to command so much more from CSX, due to his recent tenure as Bush's Fundraiser Secretary.

UPDATE (12/9/04):

Yes, you've heard by now that Snow is staying.

It's obvious that George W. Bush needs someone in the administration who knows less economic principle than he does.

posted by Gotham 3:55 PM

Look Homeward, William

It seems the U.S. should be looking to IMPORT freedom and democracy, not necessarily EXPORT it.

I am loathe to admit that I agree with much that's in William Safire's column today. But that's the fact of the matter.

Especially, his thoughts on "people power" through recent history.

However, it's now up to Safire to turn those thoughts from far away lands and turn them towards our native soil.

Which we all should be doing, in fact.

There actually is much for the Left to learn from the good folks in Kiev.

The Left succeeded wildly this year, when compared to the stunning machinery that Karl Rove commanded. A machinery which the Far Right has spent decades constructing. Now, an argument can be made that the extent of the Right's efforts were forced by the Left's stunning organizational successes, but we were still looking at being completely run over by election dirty-trick professionals, had our own "people power" not emerged.

Considering the Left's efforts really only started to take shape when the press began focusing on what Howard Dean was saying about Iraq, and in turn, what his campaign's efforts on the web were then starting to accomplish, the anti-Bush forces coalesced in an ad-hoc effort which fell short by only 2.7% of the vote. In fact, right up until election day, both sides were looking for a John Kerry win. Against a well-entrenched, fully financed, wholly constructed political juggernaught.

As people who felt thoroughly alone in their despair found there were a minimum of hundreds of thousands of others like them, their courage grew, and their feeling of perhaps having an impact grew as well.

This is the very definition of "people power." And it can only grow.

When we on the Left get over our Election Post-Mortem Funk, we'll find we're in much better shape for the future than we've realized.

Now, perhaps we just need to pick a spiffy color as a symbol, as the Europeans do so well. The Ukrainians have picked Orange, and when you see a photo, no one cares about the crowd count, like we fixate on here -- the impact comes from a sea of orange in this huge mob of people.

Very powerful image.

Something even Safire could see.

posted by Gotham 2:18 PM


Eight Soldiers Plan to Sue Over Army’s Stop-Loss Policy

OK, I admit I'm lost here.

How, exactly, is this different from the British Dragoons who would grab drunks out of bars and whore houses in the dead of night, and spirit them off to a army camp, or to the hold of a ship in need of deck hands?

And you still think there's not going to be a draft?

posted by Gotham 1:40 AM

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Uhhh...God's Been Talking to People Again...

The Latest from the Moral Values crowd:

Pastor Decried After Child's Arms Severed

Satan even puts in an appearance in this one.

posted by Gotham 8:06 PM

Saturday, December 04, 2004

The Tom DeLay Challenge

The challenge before you:

Try to read this article from the Texas Observer,

K Street Croupiers, 11/19/2004,

without puking.

posted by Gotham 2:16 AM

Our Allies Carry Out the Bush Doctrine

Israeli officer: I was right to shoot 13-year-old child

In Re Captain R.:
Witnesses described how the captain shot Iman twice in the head, walked away, turned back and fired a stream of bullets into her body. Doctors at Rafah's hospital said she had been shot at least 17 times.

On the tape, the company commander then "clarifies" why he killed Iman al-Hams: "This is commander. Anything that's mobile, that moves in the zone, even if it's a three-year-old, needs to be killed. Over."

This is result of the Bush administration bringing the international community into his war on terror.

posted by Gotham 1:34 AM

Thursday, December 02, 2004

What Would Karl Rove Do?

OK, here's the scenario:

You're Karl Rove, and say for argument, you're on the Left's side for a minute.

You're faced with an array of well organized, well financed loonies who have gained the upper hand in how the media presents arguments over issues, plus they've gained working majorities in both houses of Congress.

You're faced with an article in the NY Times such as this one.

Changing Senate Looks Better to Abortion Foes

Now, the challenge:

What Do You Do?

First, says You/Karl, Find a Diversion.

Parse EVERY word uttered by you foe or their surrogates, looking for a misstep, a misstatement or any other kind of opening. You find a talking point that's just as emotional in tone and fervor as the one currently on the table.

Then, says You/Karl, pound the livin' crap out of that second point, every day, in every interview, in thousands of faxes, from every surrogate, until it is ALL ANYONE IS TALKING ABOUT.

This article offers a perfect example, and a perfect opening:

As a result of November's election, the next Senate will have a bigger, more conservative Republican majority and several new opponents of abortion - including some of the most intense abortion foes in politics, like Tom Coburn, a doctor and newly elected senator from Oklahoma, who campaigned as "a committed defender of the sanctity of life in all of its stages." [GN emphasis]

You/Karl immediately send out the word that henceforth the most pressing issue of our time is ABOLISHING THE HORRORS OF THE DEATH PENALTY.



Sign up Tom Coburn! Make him National Chairman of our new Death Free America Foundation."

Or words to that effect.

Until even Wolf Blitzer, David Brooks and Chris Matthews are appalled by this governmental outrage.

And abortion foes are lucky to get onto page 63 of the NY Times.

Now, you know the drill.

Go forth and speechify!

Write your elected officials now! Write the ones going out; then, write the new ones coming in!

posted by Gotham 11:04 AM

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

The Moral Values of Half the U.S. on Display to the World

International Committee of the Red Cross Accuses U.S. Military of Abuse at Guantanamo Prison

They needed a farm system for Abu Ghraib.

This story itself, obviously, is ugly enough.

That it is being piped out to the rest of the known world on
Voice of America
—America's radio face to the world—is just the icing on this rancid cake.

Remember, 50 million Americans voted for this.

But then, of course, 50 million didn't.

posted by Gotham 10:35 AM

Coming to a Gulag Near You...

Red Cross Finds Detainee Torture in Guantanamo

More of your Moral Value Dollars in Action!

Again, this is what this country voted for.

So, this is who we are for the next four years.

posted by Gotham 1:37 AM

The N.Y. Haters Will Hate This One...

Bush to Change Economic Team

"One senior administration official said Treasury Secretary John W. Snow can stay as long as he wants, provided it is not very long. He might stay as long as six months into the term, officials said. Friends say Chief of Staff Andrew H. Card Jr. is one possibility to replace him. Bolten also could move over.

But Republican officials said Bush is also considering well-known officials from outside, including New York Gov. George E. Pataki (R). Conservatives are pushing for former senator Phil Gramm, a Republican from Texas."

Ahhhhh, Pataki, the Coat Holder-in-Chief.

He'd be perfect.

I believe he'd truly thrive by working in a No "No!" Zone.

posted by Gotham 1:07 AM

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Setting Up the "Next Big Thing..."

Doing a lot of catching-up after the Thanksgiving weekend.

Here's a good one I missed until spotting it in an Eschaton post:

Hawks push deep cuts in forces in Iraq

This is just great.

Just great.

1,200 dead Americans kind of "just great."

As I've written before, the Neo-cons are bored with their broken Iraq toy.

Now, they are openly calling for U.S. troop pullouts from Iraq—something that John Kerry was ripped mercilessly about for even hinting at.

On the surface this seems odd.

Why in heaven's name would Neo-cons turn their backs on the prospect of Nation-building in Iraq?


They're going to need all available troops later—FOR IRAN!!!

You don't want to get your rolling stock all shot up by a bunch of crazies and terrorists when you're gonna need them later for what you REALLY want.

So the Neo-con Media Machine is out in full force, lying and spinning its way into your frontal lobe, getting you to believe, once again, that what you see with your own eyes and know as fact isn't real; that what you hear from them is really real. At least, until they get caught and have to change what's really real. Then THAT'll be really real.

Keep an eye out for the following names—and BELIEVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING THEY SAY—these are The Sirens, the current crop of surrogates the administration is hiding behind to float out this new concept to see how big a hue and cry it causes [and, yes, this is your cue to hue and cry!], and whether they can successfully get the press's Conventional Wisdom to morph to their liking (as if they haven't always...):

Michael Vickers, a conservative-leaning Pentagon consultant and longtime senior CIA official who supported the war.

Retired Army Major General William Nash, the former NATO commander in Bosnia.

Yonadam Kanna, secretary general of the Assyrian Democratic Movement and a member of Iraq's interim National Assembly, also backed the US-led removal of Hussein.

Robert Pfaltzgraff, president of the Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis in Cambridge and a vocal supporter of Bush's Iraq policy to this point.

Christopher A. Preble, the conservative-leaning Cato Institute's director of foreign policy studies, author of "Exiting Iraq," published by Cato.

Edward Luttwak, a longtime Pentagon consultant.

John Hamre, president of the center for Strategic and International Studies and former deputy secretary of defense in the Clinton administration who remains in close contact with senior Pentagon officials.

Ken Adelman, a member of the Defense Policy Board who predicted the Iraq war would be a "cakewalk."

But Max Boot, a leading war supporter, and an influential neoconservative thinker who has believed the United States must stick it out for an undetermined amount of time, even if the U.S. presence is beginning to threaten long-term goals, states a new-found kinship with the liberal Left with this goofy quote:

"This is turning out to be a lot harder than anyone expected—and harder than it needed to be," Boot said last week.

"I'm not one of those calling for a quick pullout," he added. "I agree there is some downside to the US troops' presence; it definitely fuels some nationalist resentment."

No shit, Sherlock. See? Scratch a Neo-con and there's a progressive liberal under there somewhere.

You just have to wait for their frustration level to get high enough.

These people are truly insane, indeed.

P.S. And let it not be stated by any moron later on that, "Gee, no one knew it would be this bad in Iran."

Today, on Sunday, November 28, we're saying it would be that bad.

posted by Gotham 3:53 PM

Misreading the President

9/11 Chairman Thomas Kean: Bush Should Apply Pressure On Intelligence Bill

Now, really...

George W. Bush showed no particular interest in avoiding the last terror attack.

What makes anyone think he would particularly care about dodging any future ones?

posted by Gotham 1:49 PM

"14th Amendment?

...We don' need no stinkin' 14th Amendment!"

Alabama Vote Opens Old Racial Wounds

Quick. Someone send Osama Bin Laden a map of Mobile.

You see here Your American Moral Values in Action.


BTW, you'll recall that this is the same state that gushed over the Ten Commandments statue in the Rotunda of the State Supreme Court.


posted by Gotham 1:29 PM

What We Stand For...

This is what we support.

This is what we stand for as a country and as a people.

A Girl's Chilling Death in Gaza

This is what American Moral Values mean in the 21st Century.

It has to. We just voted for this.

posted by Gotham 1:16 PM

A "No Confidence" Vote?

White House Delays Rice Confirmation

It appears obvious that the White House doesn't see Condileeza Rice as being particularly up to the task of handling this month's foreign policy woes in Iran, Iraq and the Ukraine.

Sort of a "Let's get the crises out of the way, first, THEN we can give her the corner office."

Remember, this is the same woman who didn't necessarily see the need to shove a memo about Osama Determined to Strike Within U.S. in front of her boss's face, and who has been "in charge" of running the Iraq occupation.

Stellar jobs, those.

posted by Gotham 1:06 PM

If They Can Sew,
You Can Sew...

Youth Movement Underlies the Opposition in Ukraine

There is a challenge here—both for the Democratic Party, which again displayed a spine of warm gruel this month, and for the youth of America, which seems content to form crowds only to yell at corporate rock stars outside of the MTV studios in Times Square.

posted by Gotham 1:04 PM

Bush the Fram Man to the Youth of America:
"Pay Me Now, or Pay Me Later!"

To paraphrase P.T. Barnum, "There's a Young Republican Sucker graduating college every minute."

Here's a candidate for one of the stupid-er statements (among many) to come out of the Bush White House in the last four years:

"The president does support personal accounts, which need not add overall to the cost of the program, but could in the short run require additional borrowing to finance the transition. I believe there's a strong case that this approach not only makes sense as a matter of savings policy, but is also fiscally prudent."—Joshua B. Bolten, the director of the White House's Office of Management and Budget about overhauling the system.

How exactly did "savings policy" and "borrowing" end up in the same quote?

If you buy that crap, you'll deserve everything you get.

Bush's Social Security Plan Is Said to Require Vast Borrowing

OK, let's see if I have this right...

Young adults would now avoid putting their current, hard-earned $$ into a Social Security Fund and paying for those geezers living high on the hog.

They would turn their $$ over to economists who engineered or, worse, were helplessly overrun by the financial disaster of 2001 to 2003, which wiped out 40% - 70% of people's stock and mutual fund holdings—most of which ironically were also earmarked for people's retirement.

Then unfortunately, as these now-Young Adults attain retirement age, the crushing burden of paying off the debt that was incurred in the years following the Turn of the Century will have destroyed Wall Street's ability to generate growth or income—with a dollar that is a mere shadow of what it was a generation before.

Plus at that point, while their individual retirement account barely coasts on fumes, there'd no longer be a viable safety net from the federal government, along the lines of what the old Social Security program used to provide.

So, in all likelihood when they retire, it's certain today's twentysomethings will not be constrained to eating the cat's food, something their parents and older siblings were reduced to.

They'll be eating the cat.

posted by Gotham 11:38 AM

Friday, November 26, 2004

From a Jets Fan: NO to the Jets' New Stadium...

WP: New Jets Stadium

As disclosure, I admit to having been a New York Jets fan since they formed the franchise in 1960 as the old New York Titans.

I have suffered accordingly, through some of the worst football this side of your Pop Warner or PeeWee kid leagues.

Luckily, I've never had to endure a Jets game in person. I was too young to see a Titans game, and have not been able to afford Jets tickets for most of my adult life.

But, though I may be a loyal Jets fan, I am also a loyal Manhattanite.

My Manhattan has been ravaged by financial excess and its drugs from the mid-'80s to today, just as badly as it was ravaged by bankruptcy and its drugs in the '70s.

Woody Johnson has been a fine owner, in purely football terms. He has given the management of the team the material to compete on even footing with the rest of the league.

This is all any fan can ask.

But, Johnson has proven a less stellar New Yorker.

Having their own stadium will not make the Jets a more appealing team to me. For the majority of fans who watch on TV, it really makes no difference where they play. On the moon would be OK, too. I'm never going to see the inside of that stadium. Only those who already have season tickets or are on the impossibly long waiting list will ever see the joint.

That also shoots any argument the Jets would have of doing this to better their financial footing. They already sell out every game. There's no gain to be had there. What they have is what they get.

But I will be living around the stadium and the Olympic Park they're suggesting now, and I and all other New Yorkers will be stuck with the upheaval of the construction of this boondoggle for years -- a mess that will make the infamous Boston Dig seem like a dirt pile.

Plus we'll be asked by billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg to pay $600 million just for a base floor and a retractable roof for this monstrosity.

On top of having to pay for the subway extensions and the gentrification of the area west of Times Square.

On top of the ongoing decay of the city's infrastructure.

This all would be tolerable if this construction were intended for real New Yorkers, who have loved this city through famine, pestilence, floods, fires and Rudy Giuliani.

Along the lines of the projects of Robert Moses forty to fifty years ago. For all of their immense downsides, they were all meant for the betterment of all NYers.

But not this one. There will be nothing in this whole eventual redesigned zone that any NYer will be able to afford if they don't make a six figure income. Not an apartment; not a bagel.

The idea is to finish the job of turning New York City into another Nantucket playground for the financially privleged.

But, New Yorkers will begin fighting back. It hasn't gained its reputation as a political hotspot for no reason.

Support for this project will be made to be a political hand grenade.

The city is close to being financially unlivable as it stands now. This project will make it all the more a bauble for the white well-to-do.

At that point, Bin Laden can have it. Let him blow the whole frickin' place up.

Decent folk will have been priced out long before.

posted by Gotham 1:32 PM

Monday, November 22, 2004

A Plan for a Democratic Future

I posted this on Daily Kos earlier this morning. I thought I'd place it here as well.

I've watched the Repub resurgence since they were a few lost voices in the desert after Goldwater.

What we've done in roughly 11/2 - 2 years is astonishing when compared to their 40-yr. trek.

However, we need to learn from their decades-long hard work and to steal what elements would work best for us.

The greatest fruit of all our labors this cycle is this new series of institutions and mechanisms that allow and encourage a newly awakened progressive electorate -- hundreds of thousands of average "just folks" -- to now play an active and aggresive physical, emotional and financial role in our political process. We're building an army, here. That is the key seed that has to be nurtured and grown over the next cycles.

The key wil be to organize, then to specialize. Then, cross-link EVERYTHING!

1. Create an organized umbrella alliance of ALL the 527s and the non-527 groups, hopefully under the direction of a revamped DNC.

Scrutinize what the key strengths of each group are (and its limitations!) and then divide the labor. 527s will do what they're designed for and are best at. Non-527 groups can handle all the direct, advocacy duties. (This will all adjust as the campaign laws morph, of course.)

While the DNC should be best at going after sustained money from the big $$ set, one of these groups should focus solely on being the main donation conduit for Internet and direct-mail fund-raising for all aspects of this larger organization.

Another would create the national precinct-based bottom-up base Susan talked of, IN ALL 50 states (nothing is ceded ever again) in order to create a nationwide web of progressives who can influence every election in every district, all the way down to dog-catcher.

A group will take the auto-petition role on a daily, weekly, monthly basis -- to give Americans a way to maintain their high level of activism and interest. One will take the True Majority path to e-mail / fax Congress on any issue of note. Another would maintain the newspaper database and could direct massive letter-to-the-Editor campaigns on a local, state or national basis.

One would focus on local elections. One would focus squarely on state elections.

One would handle advertising: focusing on attracting the best film makers, talent and best ad buys. Etc., etc.

One could be laison with blogs (right and left) -- to learn what info they find and to supply them with info they can utilize.

All would report to (hopefully) a non-dysfunctional, creative DNC.

2. Begin now to create a national Farm Team: a series of atttractive candidates who can be groomed for local, state and national office -- especially those of limited means. We need the best candidates at all levels -- not the best candidates who can afford to want to run.

Plus, the strength of the Repub revolution is the sheer numbers of their people that they could place in every gov't agency -- where their policies can be implemented on a daily basis by Regulation. We need to have in place a similar number of people to take over for them when we retake the White House.

3. Create a National Scour Team -- whose sole duty it is to comb EVERY phrase in bills proposed by this incoming Republican Congress. Never again can we allow Democratic Reps. and Sens. to be forced to read all 600 pages of a bill overnight, before a critical vote. But if 100 people can parse 60 pages of it each, we can create clean abstracts of every important point and issue contained in them for those having to vote on them.

There's the added advantage in this of spotting key future campaign issues buried in any given bill before a vote is even taken. If we strongly want to kill the bill, we can also warn Repubs. that we've spotted the XXX provision, and THAT IT WILL BE a campaign issue, and then watch them scurry. This weekend's tax provision debacle is a perfect case in point.

4. Lobby all of the major, big-money Democratic and 527 contributors to invest heavily in media companies of all types -- TV Broadcast and Cable, Radio and Newspapers -- whether they buy them outright, or just infuence their approach to the news. There are great profits to be made from catering to this newly awakened progressive population, starving for trustworthy news reports as they are.

This is an outline for how we can proceed.

And prosper.

posted by Gotham 4:36 AM

Friday, November 19, 2004

Hubris Alert

House Ethics Panel Rebukes DeLay Accuser

The balls of some people.

The House ethics committee Thursday night turned the tables on Majority Leader Tom DeLay's accuser, rebuking Rep. Chris Bell for exaggerating misconduct allegations against the GOP leader.

While the complaint by Bell, D-Texas, led to an ethics report that admonished DeLay, Bell nonetheless violated a rule barring "innuendo, speculative assertions or conclusory statements," a committee letter said.

The committee's Republican chairman and senior Democrat used the four-page letter to Bell to warn lawmakers that making exaggerated allegations of wrongdoing could result in disciplinary action against the accuser.

Bell was not disciplined. He lost in a primary earlier this year because of a DeLay-engineered redistricting plan, and will leave Congress when the session adjourns.

In the future, exaggerations and misstatements also could lead to dismissal of a complaint, said the letter from Chairman Joel Hefley, R-Colo., and senior Democrat Alan Mollohan of West Virginia. The panel they lead is formally called the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct.

They can't get Bell, but they (including a Democrat) can send a chilling dictate to the entire incoming Congress:

"This is DeLay's House.

Don't Fuck with us!"

Question #1:
However can you have an "innuendo, speculative assertions or conclusory statements" infraction when your allegations result in an official admonishment of a member on the exact infractions mentioned in your charges, and when your charges aligned with an on-going criminal investigation in the member's home city???

Question #2:
Who the hell is this DeLay buttboy, Alan Mollohan of West Virginia, and when do we set up a war chest to dump him in the primary in 2006?

The letter said the most serious exaggeration was Bell's contention that DeLay violated a bribery law "by soliciting campaign contributions" from a Kansas corporation, Westar Energy, in return for legislative assistance on an energy bill.

Funny. I was just writing about DeLay and Westar today. See earlier post.

"There can hardly be a more serious charge against a public official than that he or she solicited a bribe," the committee letter said. It added that DeLay's actions "did not come even close to supporting this extremely serious claim."

The committee found in October that DeLay "created an appearance" of favoritism when he mingled at a 2003 golf outing with Westar executives just days after they contributed to a political organization associated with DeLay.

Bell's complaint also asserted:

*The majority leader "engaged in a concerted and relentless effort to use the official resources of office" for "blatantly partisan political activities."

The Hefley-Mollohan letter said this broad allegation was not supported by the facts. [Which is why there's a criminal investigation under way. I see.]

*DeLay dispensed special favors to Westar.

The committee said the Bell complaint cited no action taken by DeLay for Westar. The committee findings in the DeLay case did say that Westar was seeking help with legislation at the time of the golf outing. [Again, see earlier post.]

*DeLay was solely responsible for federal aviation authorities tracking down an airplane in an effort to locate Democratic lawmakers fleeing the state. The legislators left Texas in an effort to thwart state Republican legislators from passing DeLay's redistricting plan.

The letter said it was a misstatement to attribute actions of federal officials solely to DeLay, when the Texas Department of Public Safety also contacted federal aviation authorities. [Now, are you really going to try to tell us that the head of the Texas Department of Public Safety would simply piss away their jurisdiction over this, especially when they dragged their heels at even being forced by the Governor to get involved in this nuttiness? And that they weren't directed by DeLay himself to call Washington? Well...Good morning, Sunshine!]

*DeLay contacted the FBI in the effort to locate the Texas lawmakers.

The letter said there is no indication that DeLay called the FBI. [Yes, the letter says that. But that doesn't mean that every gossip in Washington wasn't abuzz with DeLay's yelling at everyone in town who he thought would help drag the Texas Dems back to Austin.]

These guys are mobsters, simply hiding in plain sight.

posted by Gotham 7:38 PM

Nothing new to report on the Linda Schrenko Republican Corruption case. No update on the possible whereabouts of the unaccounted-for $354,700 in federal education funds.

posted by Gotham 4:57 PM

From the Republican Corruption Beat

A month-old part of the story which I just came upon:

Westar role in scandal small, crucial

The DeLay Gerrymander America PAC scandal, that is.

This is the same illegal contributions scandal that prompted the Houston grand jury investigation that, in turn, prompted this week's House Republican Caucus vote to support crime and corruption among its leadership that, in turn, prompted many Americans to start thinking about Congressional turnover in 2006.

Just so you know, the names of Reps. Joe Barton (R-TX) and Billy Tausin (R-LA), and Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) all figure prominently in this investigation.

House Majority Leader Tom DeLay started this Gerrymander America PAC to get the Texas legislature to rework its congressional districts in order to unseat Democratic incumbents, which you know. And it worked, although DeLay had to abuse his political power and federal position to dupe federal agencies into illegally getting involved in a intrastate squabble to pull it all off.

In the meantime, former Westar Energy CEO David Wittig gave large (and, yes, illegal it turns out) contributions to DeLay's Gerrymander America PAC

in return for favorable treatment—"to get a seat at the table"—before a powerful congressional conference committee working on an overhaul of the nation's energy laws.

Aahhhh... There's that pesky Republican / Energy thing again.

Oh, and in yet another of those amazing Executive / Politician Corruption inter-connections, it appears the above-mentioned Representatives and Senator had their reasons for denying any involvement with Westar's Wittig. It seems Mr. Wittig has his own sizeable problems with the legal system, quite separate and apart from his making illegal contributions to Majority Leader DeLay.

posted by Gotham 4:36 PM

No Spammin' Sympathy

I just spent 31/2 hours weeding out two weeks' worth of spam. Mixed in with the crap was e-mail from non-hackers who simply wanted to sell me something, rather than simply steal from me.

However, legit mass marketers need to know they are just as tossable in my e-mail as they are from my postal mailbox.

Crap is crap, no matter who is putting their hand in my pocket, or what medium is used to get my attention. I guess it'll take another 31/2 hours to shred all the identity theft-able paper crap!

This came across the wires.

Spammers Sabotage Email Marketing Efforts

October 2004 (Newstream) -- Spammers' antics are ruining brands' reputations on the web, according to a recent roundtable of leading industry experts and anti-spam campaigners hosted by e-security specialists Clearswift. The results of this month's spam index also support this, with healthcare suppliers' brands continuing to be hardest hit by spam peddling illicit medicinal offers.

Spammers are confusing consumers by intentionally blurring the boundaries between legitimate email and unsolicited communications selling counterfeit goods. This has infuriated the direct marketing industries, who are relied upon to maintain brands' online presence, yet find themselves tarred with the same brush as unscrupulous cybercriminals.

Clearswift's latest spam index reveals that healthcare spam has risen to account for 57.6% of all spam. In fact Pfizer, who manufacture the male impotency drug Viagra, have vowed to take legal action against spammers, after recently finding that 25% of men believed Pfizer themselves were responsible for sending Viagra spam. However spam is not only damaging to the health of consumers and pharmaceutical brands - scams related to other online retailers have also seen a dramatic increase.

posted by Gotham 3:36 PM

How to Tell When Legislation Works

A sure sign it works is when the people most directly affected by it whine, bitch and yowl loudly that it's too costly compared with the benefits (i.e., the government is forcing us to spend money to prove we're not stealing anymore).

Sarbanes-Oxley (officially, the Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act of 2002) is one of those.

So, your basic Enron or Tyco types are now complaining about having to fly under the theft radar again. Which as we all know is just not fun or creative.

Here's a J.D. Powers survey of CFOs and corporate audit committee chairs, talking about the audit firms they use (and too often misuse and abuse) in a Sarbanes-Oxley world.

You'll be SHOCKED ("SHOCKED!" says Wolf) to learn that the very people it was created to hobble and shackle are complaining bitterly about the costs of being hobbled and shackled. Gosh!

The very corporate executives, positions and transactions that desperately needed oversight are now upset at the limits of their very own oversight bill.

"Such bad food—and such small portions! Where's my lawyer?! No, forget my lawyer! Where's my lobbyist?!!"

Assume the move to kill this bill will move to the campaign-contributor front burner within the next couple of months. They spent just too much money on this Bush campaign to have any shareholder protection or consumer fraud protection bills clogging up the ability of executives to skim much needed funds off the top of their bottom lines.

The Jesus Freaks think they were the hammer in this election. Come January, the major D.C. lobbying firms will quickly disabuse them of that notion.

J.D. Power and Associates Reports: Sarbanes-Oxley Takes Toll on Industry Confidence and Client Ratings of Accounting Firm Performance

Deloitte Ranks Highest among Firms Managing Clients with $1 Billion or More in Revenue

Grant Thornton Ranks Highest among Firms Managing Clients with Less Than $1 Billion in Revenue

November 2004 (Newstream) -- The stress of meeting the requirements for corporate financial accountability is taking a toll on confidence and client ratings within the accounting industry, according to the J.D. Power and Associates 2004 Audit Firm Performance StudySM released on November the 9th.

The study, which measures audit firm performance in the wake of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, is based on interviews with 1,007 audit committee chairs and 944 chief financial officers.

The study finds a significant amount of angst among audit committee chairs and CFOs in the industry. Top management is concerned about the costs of implementing the extensive requirements associated with Sarbanes-Oxley compliance. Some auditors feel they are being stretched too thin because of additional audit requirements, which are impacting service levels. Also, audit committee chairs are feeling the pressure of increased accountability of the required financial reporting process. The results of this are low accounting firm performance levels compared to other business-to-business studies, and a decline in the confidence level of the accounting profession.

Furthermore, almost 9 out of 10 CFOs say the costs of implementing the new rules and procedural requirements of Sarbanes-Oxley are greater than the benefits of those changes. Confidence is also particularly low among CFOs, with just 44 percent expressing high levels of confidence in the accounting industry.

"In this period of tumultuous change in the accounting industry, Sarbanes-Oxley is heavily taxing the financial audit process," said Ron Conlin, partner at J.D. Power and Associates. "Many parties-from internal management to the board of directors to the auditors themselves-are struggling. The result has been, at least in the short term, relatively low ratings of the financial audit process and an erosion in confidence of the accounting profession."

Among the study's two audit firm performance segment rankings, Deloitte ranks highest among firms managing clients with more than $1 billion in revenue. Deloitte's strengths are in understanding the client's operations and its industry, the consideration of time and priorities, and handling difficult discussions.

Grant Thornton ranks highest among firms managing clients with less than $1 billion in revenue. Grant Thornton performs particularly well in understanding the client's operations and industry, in responding to requests and questions, and in trustworthiness. Another "second-tier" national firm, BDO Seidman, follows Grant Thornton in the rankings.

"It is clear that the Big Four puts most of its emphasis on its larger clients," said Conlin. "As a result, ratings of their performance, particularly among smaller clients, are lower. This represents a major opportunity for second-tier national firms such as Grant Thornton and BDO to gain clients looking for more personal attention, particularly among those currently utilizing a Big Four firm."

The study finds that audit firms receiving the highest ratings from clients are those that build strong relationships with audit committee members by emphasizing communication. Audit firms that are candid, able to explain difficult issues in a clear manner, and are willing to ask the tough questions about all aspects of business operations enjoy performance index scores that are more than 200 points higher than audit firms lacking in these areas.

posted by Gotham 2:38 PM

Thursday, November 18, 2004

"I Want NEW Bombs, Daddy! These Are OLD Bombs!"

From Daily Kos: Should We Worry About Iran?

It seems that the neo-cons have gotten bored with their broken Iraq toy.

They've left it behind and have started pointing to the new hobby horse in the window.

posted by Gotham 11:36 PM

Welcome to Tucson!
Everybody Clap!

Tucson Citizen Weekly Web Poll

Down below the fold of today's Tucson (AZ) Citizen web site front page, there's quite the interesting little viewer poll question.

In a nationwide poll of the top 10 ideas and innovations of the past 75 years, air conditioning was voted number one. Which one would you have picked?

Here are the results:

Air conditioning 12%

Penicillin 31%

Personal computer 15%

Global positioning satellites 1%

Cell phones 4%

Broadcast television 6%

Social Security Act 5%

Internet 15%

Frozen food 2%

Polio vaccine 9%

Total Votes: 534

Penicillin 31%!!!?

What exactly is this saying about the Nightlife and the thankful citizens in swinging ol' Tucson?

posted by Gotham 1:52 PM

What Goes Around, Goes Around...

Groundhog Day

Atrios is right. I saw a CNN report tonight on Iran, and it happily began making a case for invading Iran.

Of course, that case was being made by Iranian exiles.

"At tonight's performance, the part of Ahmad Chalabi will be played by..."

It's now time to peruse your publication's archives. Everything you're about to be handed in the next year will be found in there. You'll soon notice that the White House, yes, is indeed plagerizing itself.

So, just rerun your old dispatches. Just change the town and exile names. Happily, "a senior administration official" never becomes obsolete!

posted by Gotham 3:01 AM

The Political Fallout Begins...

Gwinnett Daily Post: Schrenko indicted on theft charges

Current schools Superintendent Kathy Cox, a fellow Republican, was aware of the investigation and her office has worked with the grand jury and authorities, said Cox spokesman Kirk Englehardt.

‘‘We’re going to continue to work with them and assist in any manner in which they need us,’’ he said.

Dan McLagan, a spokesman for Republican Gov. Sonny Perdue, said: ‘‘It’s always troubling when public officials are accused of wrongdoing. This is part of a nonpartisan process which will ultimately lead to a decision by the courts.’’

Democratic Party Chairman Bobby Kahn said the Schrenko indictment is part of a pattern of Republican abuses in state government, citing an ethics complaint pending against the governor over his campaign finances and a $14,000 ethics fine levied against State Senate Majority Leader Bill Stephens of Canton for sloppy accounting of campaign funds.

‘‘It looks to me like the new Georgia is a lot like the old Louisiana,’’ Kahn said.

posted by Gotham 1:46 AM

"And On the Ninth Day, He..."

WP/ National Academies Study: Fill Gov't Science Posts Faster

They would, but they just can't find that many Creationists that quickly.

posted by Gotham 1:42 AM

Afghan Cultural Items Recovered

For once, a happy Afghanistan story.

WP: Treasure Trove of Culture Recovered

posted by Gotham 1:32 AM

More Republican Corruption

These allegations were just waiting for the election to pass before heating up. But heating up they are.

We've written about this one before. Specifically, about Ralph Reed's involvement.

WP: Papers Show Tribe Paid to Influence Bill

Many top Republican heavyweights involved here:

Rep. Robert W. Ney (R-Ohio)

Ralph Reed, former Christian Coalition head and Southeast Campaign Manager for Bush-Cheney '04

Lobbyist Jack Abramoff

Public relations executive Michael Scanlon, a former aide to House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas)

House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas)

Scanlon, 34, was subpoenaed to appear before the committee. Like Abramoff, who appeared at a hearing in September, he declined to answer questions on the grounds that they could incriminate him.

Yesterday's hearing was the first time that details emerged of how Abramoff and Scanlon planned to carry out their promise to help a tribal client win favors on Capitol Hill. The documents and testimony provided an unusually stark look at the way Indian gambling riches have become part of Washington lobbying and fundraising.

The Washington Post previously reported that Abramoff and Scanlon quietly worked with conservative religious activist Ralph Reed to help persuade the state of Texas to shut down the Tigua casino in 2002, then persuaded the tribe to pay the $4.2 million to try to get Congress to reopen it.

It's just possible that by the time they're through, Republican corruption monies may pass even the staggering deficit they've saddled us with.

posted by Gotham 1:26 AM

Here's Something to Help Keep the Facts Straight...

AJC: Linda Schrenko timeline

This is to help keep the particulars clear for all of us.

posted by Gotham 1:24 AM

More Schrenko

It's heartening to see that all of Georgia is rallying behind Our Miss Schrenko.

AJC: More than Schrenko's fur is fake

She came onto the statewide stage as a strait-laced Southern school marm, just trying to cut back a top-heavy bureaucracy, restore "local control" to schools and purge classrooms of such crazy ideas as homosexuality being "an acceptable lifestyle."

She left office eight years later maligned as a cheat and a fraud, having created the distinct impression that any craziness in state education emanated from her office


She didn't even like the PTA, once sending out a memo that she would speak to "teacher/parent organizations except . . . PTA." When confronted about the memo, she said she couldn't remember why she wrote it. Was it because they had too many frumpy, middle-aged mothers running their local chapters? Would she have liked them better if they had used the money from school fund-raisers to get manicures and buy Prada purses?

She lost a battle over proposed public school Bible classes that supposedly would have taught the religious text as history and literature, but which actually pushed a decidedly antediluvian agenda. The curriculum materials carried suggested exam questions, including this one: "What was woman's purpose?" The possible answers are a) to care for the man; b) to bear children; c) to help the man; d) to tell the man what to do since he was so inferior. The answer, according to the study guide, was "c."

If [Linda] Schrenko were really interested in Bible study, she might have spent more time mulling those verses about lying, stealing and exploiting the disadvantaged. Some of the money she is accused of stealing was supposed to buy computer equipment for deaf students.

As you can see, it's good to have friends nearby.

posted by Gotham 1:13 AM


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