Gotham Notes...

Monday, November 10, 2003

"Scorecahd! Get'cher scorecahd!"


You just can't rightly keep up with all the people and the various factions who are currently shooting at us in Iraq and its environs without a scorecard anymore.

We keep pissing all kinds of people off, whichever way we turn. We're getting into the middle of so many age-old murderous conflicts that we can't keep track of them all.

Now, we've been dragged into Turkey's historic Kurd separatists war. Well, that's just Jim Dandy! Even more places for our stretched-too-thinly troops to get themselves killed without knowing where it was coming from.

Haven't any of our guiding points of light in Washington, D.C. ever even looked into a Fodor's guide to the region--especially if they don't have the time to read up on the history of these countries?


Like I said, Geeeeez...

posted by Gotham 3:49 PM


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